
Personal Info (Hidden from public)

* The information entered here will be used only for our management purposes and will not be shown anywhere on the website.
Do you use WhatsApp?
Maximum upload size: 516MB

Public Profile Info

This name will be advertised under your profile picture on our website
You can login and edit your profile using your password
Your Preferred Location(s) To Work At

Service & Skills

Please select the type of work and shows that you can do
* Some examples of the Novelty Show would be: Character Performance, Granny Show, Grandpa Show, Fatogram, DJ, Burlesque, Comedy, Nude Painting Classes, Lap Dance Classes
Waiters, Poker Dealers, Promo & Models
Waitresses, Poker Dealers, Promo & Models
R-rated shows (strip tease / no penetration)
X-rated shows (penetration)
Please let us know what you are able to do / use in your shows xx


Maximum upload size: 516MB
This picture will be shown as your main profile picture in pages, grids, etc.
Maximum upload size: 516MB
These pictures will be shown in your public profile as a gallery next to your profile picture.
Maximum upload size: 2147.48MB
Maximum video file size: 100MB
Supported file types: mp4, mpeg, ogg, webm



I give permission for my profile and images to be advertised on DreamGirlz Elite website.
* Please note your profile will only be displayed on the website if you have given consent for us to display your profile on the website. If you select no then all of this information will be kept on file and not displayed publicly.